Inverted Row

What is the Inverted Row?

The Inverted Row, also known as the Supine Row or Bodyweight Row, is a key milestone back exercise. Achieving the Inverted Row ensures that your back, grip, and midline strength have a strong foundation. A strong foundation that's necessary for the more difficult bodyweight exercises. The Inverted Row is a great precursor to the Pull Up, as well as the Front Lever, and Front Lever Rows.

The Inverted Row also targets your upper back, which is a sure fire way to improve your posture.

It's also a breeze adjusting the difficulty of the Inverted Row. Performing a more difficult variation increases the intensity placed on your back. This increase in intensity, known as progressive overload, helps reduce your chances of plateauing.

While the Inverted Row is a fundamental exercise that requires equipment, it can be performed using a bar, rings, or even a bedsheet. Even varying the equipment on a per-workout basis can help keep things interesting.

Inverted Row demonstration

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How to perform the Inverted Row

Place your bar (or rings) around waist height, on a stable surface. Lie down underneath the bar with your chest directly underneath it. Grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip. Engage your core, squeeze your legs together and retract your scapular to enter the starting position. If you've placed the bar has been placed at the correct height, your back should be off the floor by an of inch or two. If not, adjust the bar accordingly.

Now pull the bar towards you, as your body moves closer to the bar try and bring it to your chest. Ensure your body remains straight as you bring yourself up. Drive your elbows to the floor, don't flare them out or lift them up. Once your chest is at the bar, hold the position for a moment and bring your body back to the starting position in a controlled manner.


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